Veniamin Susin Testimony

Micheal Danforth Nov 8th


Celebrate with us our Anniversary Schedule Change for Seminar on Worship:  Saturday’s Seminar on Worship has become a CLOSED EVENT FOR OUR LEADERS, for more information contact Pastor Petr at 509-979-5825 We invite you and your friends to join us for the weekend of September 18-20 for this wonderful event. Vera Kasevich Pastored with her

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Иван Кравцов – Mеняющий в царством небесном // Ivan Kravtsov Altering to the Heavenly Kingdom

Year of Harvest/Год урожая

Faith Lessons From the Gospel of Luke// Религиозные уроки из Евангелия от Луки

Preaching The Gospel

Divine Visitation

Vitaly Kozachenko Prophecy to Church

God’s Embassy 9th Church Anniversary